Darth Vader Vs Sephiroth

After much protest, this shall be the FINAL BATTLE, the legendary DARTH VADER VS. SEPHIROTH! Only the darkest being will win, only the one purest of darkness. The most genuine driplet of evil will rise against whatever attempts to claim the title of evil.


  • Sephiroth is a major antagonist of the video game, Final Fantasy VII. He previously fought Vergil in the Season 4 finale of Death Battle, Sephiroth VS Vergil. He also fought Vergil in two episodes of One Minute Melee. 1 Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far 1.1 Battle Record 1.2 Possible Opponents 2 History 3 Death Battle Info (Official) 3.1 Background 3.2 Arsenal 3.3 Powers 3.4 Feats 4 Death Battle Info.
  • The name Anakin appears to come from Anakim as per the Sons of Anak in the Bible and whereas, Darth Vader seems to be derived from the “Da’ath” black sephiroth in Jewish mysticism of Kabala, referred to in Freemasonry rituals.

A large Star Destroyer approaches a half-constructed Death Star, the weapon being the compensation for what a certain young man had demolished years ago. Darth Vader was in search of this young man and was advised by the Emperor to seek him in a trap he set on Endor, only to find an unexpected surprise and not too pleasant. As he told the commander, 'You may dispense with the pleasantries.'

Vader was observing the Imperial fleet, swarms of insects at the command of the queen hornet of this colony surrounding the very nest of evil. Abruptly, the whole station felt a tremor, knocking the Dark Lord off balance. The Emperor meditated on the matter, 'I sense a disturbance, a great power...'

His apprentice asserted, 'I shall deal with it immediately, my master.'

Darth Vader location: Mustafar, replacing Obi-Wan and Anakin Both have their standard abilities, feats, and equipment (Sephiroth's feats will work like this (remake feats and movie feats take priority, older games come second to help prove points, with Dissidia being used only as a last resort to help clarify feats, equipment, etc.)). Best analogy I've seen about him is he's the Darth Vader of this remake. When Star Wars first came out nobody knew who Vader was they just knew he was a bad guy and everyone feared him and he had motives and a backstory we didn't yet know. I don't think this analogy works at all.

'It isn't that pestering apprentice is it?', Sidious spat.

Darth vader vs sephirothDarth vader vs sephiroth

'No...an abomination.', stated Vader and he departed through the lift. Vader could also feel the power, making the Dark Lord so tense as if he was...no dispense of those memories...she was so beautiful, now dead. Yes dead and gone, nothing immediate to worry of. Such is a natural way of life. Enough said, according to the rapidly logicistical mind of his, not his of Vader's and no...that name meant nothing. There was only Luke Skywalker, the only Skywalker left in this galaxy. He never felt this tense since, yes before his birth. He was impregnated, Anakin was in labor to that point and once that arrogant Jedi Master...Windu was it?...yes then his mind broke and finally Vader would direct him to save his master. It wasn't a Jedi's destiny, it was Vader's destiny.

He entered a devastated hangar, slice gashes, blaster marks and charred remains of multiple explosions. There wasn't that much explosive ware in the hangar unless the stupid commander didn't get the message of faster progression. He sensed something, but then a thin piece of metal slashed at his helmet to have the layer of protection fly off revealing what was once...Anakin.


'It's good to see you, Vader.'

'So you still live?'

'You killed my son.'

'Death is a natural course of life. I've lost more than you can ever imagine only to gain so much more.'

'Oh, but I've gained so much throughout the years. That boy was nothing to me.'

'Talk is such a weak indicator.'

Sephiroth glared and he grinned wickedly, 'You're right.'

Darth Vader Vs Sephiroth

And he lunged to meet Vader's saber, but met Vader with quicker blows. The Sith Lord kept pace only to realize he was incapable of the upkeep so he pushed the man into a pile of scrap metal only for the metal to repel from the explosions of flames. Sephiroth summoned a pillar of flames to blast Vader to the cieling and ascending into a Tie Fighter, causing a chain reaction to destroy the hangar and the battle expanded into the framework of the machine. Weapons clashed and the bodies bounced off the framework of the space station, an acrobatic duel between the agile warriors. Vader leaped and tossed his saber to slice Sephiroth's shoulder, a beam of fire emitted from the Angel's hand and Vader was sent through the very lift he'd taken through the floor of the throne.

The Emperor protested, 'What is the meaning of this, Lord Vader? Is the boy here or not? You will answer me when I ask! You'll pay for your imcompetence!'

The Dark Lord positioned his hands to release furious energy only to be interrupted by another projectile who came through the floor and caused a fury of flames surrounding him. The Emperor grinned at the presence of his power.

'Is this the man the reports suspected of being powerful that Lord Vader supposedly defeated?'

Darth vader vs sephiroth

Darth Vader Vs Sephiroth Battle

Vader furiously got up and somehow summoned his lightsaber, pulled Sephiroth in with the force and blasted him out the throne window and he thrusted toward the One Winged Angel. Sephiroth grabbed the flying machine and launched him back into his master's nest. Vader was struggling only for a barrage of sword to slash the dark lord a pleathora of wounds. Vader attempted to fight back only to be amputated and finally beheaded. The body was sent down to a an abyssal pit of mechanical ravine and canyon to be smoldered by the energy at the pit of this industrial hell. The Emperor clapped and chided, 'Good, good. Now, swear your allegiance and take your place by my side!'

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And he looked to the dark being, a great triumph of evil would occur. Only the most pure encarnation of evil, raw, could dominate this battle ground and the Emperor ignited his weapon...To Be Continued...

Darth Vader Vs Sephiroth 2

RnR for this continuing battle!